Senor Developer Competition at Scottish Ruby Conference

Our “Señor Developer Shirts ™(c)(r)”: are a great success! So far we have delivered around 300 Shirts all over the world, including most European Countries, Russia, US, Uruguay, and New Zealand. We have been to “Railsberry”: and “EuRuKo”: to promote them (while recovering from our hangovers). Even “Aaron Petterson”:!/tenderlove and “Yehuda Katz”:!/wycats wanted one, even though I have not seen them on any Friday-Hug photo…

The next stop of the Señor Developer World Europe Tour will be Edinburgh and the “Scottish Ruby Conference”:!

We want to do a little Señor Developer Competition there. The base idea is to give away free shirts to visitors of the conference with Awesome Moustaches (should be a trademark of “Sven Fuchs”:!/svenfuchs):

We don’t want everybody to grow a moustache, instead you could also moustachify yourself in different ways: mask yourself with a fake-moustache, create digital moustaches, wear moustache swag, tinker something moustachilitious!

Just surprise us and have fun!

[“Oldschool Señor Developer Shop”:]
[“Deluxe Señor Developer Shop”:]
[“Señor Developer mini Shop for US”:]
[“Fotos obviously stolen from Railsberry”:]