About Me

My name is Peter Schröder (“@phoet”:http://twitter.com/phoet) living in Hamburg, Germany.

I’m a “Señor Developer”:http://xn--seordeveloper-jkb.com at “Penseo”:https://www.penseo.de creating software for the interwebs.

* “I code”:http://github.com/phoet/
* “I blog”:http://blog.nofail.de/
* “I tweet”:http://twitter.com/phoet/
* “I answer”:http://stackoverflow.com/users/100731/phoet

3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Usman Sarfraz

    Hi Peter,

    I’m the SMM team lead of SaaSpose. I’ve just seen your blog post http://blog.nofail.de/2010/10/generating-pdf-from-html-using-docraptor-on-heroku/ where you’ve used DocRaptor for creating PDFs, and thought to let you know about our new platform thats in the same space.

    “SaaSpose is a simple cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform that makes it easier for Web & Mobile Developers to work with Microsoft Office document formats, PDFs and email protocols and formats in their apps. The SaaSpose REST APIs can be called from any platform (.NET, Java, Ruby, Salesforce, Amazon, Python, PHP, Azure etc) and gives developers a total control over documents and file formats.”

    If you could take some time to have a look at SaaSpose http://saaspose.com/, and possibly tell your readers what you think, we’d be very grateful. In the meantime, I’m ready to answer any questions you may have.

    Thank you for your time and expecting to hear from you soon.

    Usman Sarfraz
    Social Media Evangelist
    SaaSpose – Your File Format Experts

  2. Peter Dudek

    Hi! I really love the ASIN gem you created, by I noticed that I cannot seem to retrieve the price when it’s an ebook I’m looking up. For instance, using the following code yields no price value:

    client = ASIN::Client.instance
    client.lookup B00BWVKO52

    Could you provide any insight as to why I’m not getting the price? I’ve tried changing the ResponseGroup from the default of medium to other values (Large, Offer, etc…) but with no luck. Thanks!

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