Tag: Heroku

Migrating to Rails 3 for Heroku Bamboo

Recently there were some interesting “updates to the Heroku infrastructure”:http://blog.heroku.com/archives/2010/3/5/public_beta_deployment_stacks/, giving the opportunity to migrate “my personal Rails 2 website”:http://www.phoet.de/ to “Rails 3 (beta)”:http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2010/2/5/rails-3-0-beta-release/. Having an app with only a single model “for caching data”:http://blog.nofail.de/2010/02/simple-db-caching-for-heroku/, there is no worry about database migration. A nice opportunity for starting out new: rvm use 1.9.1 gem install rails […]