I’m using Heroku mostly for playing around with latest technology and hosting free apps. Since Heroku “changed their pricing model”:http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/reading-invoice due to the introduction of “the new process model”:http://blog.nofail.de/2011/06/migrating-an-existing-app-to-heroku-celadon-cedar-stack/ some of my apps changed from free to paid, especially those that had some background jobs or nightly crons (I really did not get, why this […]
Tag: noSQL
Using the Redis addon on Heroku
I am always “playing around with new addons”:http://blog.nofail.de/2010/07/mongo-ruby-driver-mongoid-and-mongomapper/ offered by Heroku. My latest discovery was the “Redis addon”:http://addons.heroku.com/redistogo that is provided by “Redistogo”:http://redistogo.com/. The addon is probably in private beta (“docs”:http://docs-beta.heroku.com/redistogo are still on beta), but since they put up a link to it on their site, I managed to install it to my “personal […]
noSQL – Rails models with SOAP
Using a DB is a natural thing for a Rails developer. Since Rails is a database driven application framework, that does not come as a big surprise. But there are times where environmental constraints do not allow the freedom to use the weapon of choice… Imagine a legacy Java SOA landscape that provides tons of […]