I’m working on a small side project that requires proper SSL configuration. Since I like using “heroku”:http://nofail.de/category/heroku/ to bootstrap my projects, I thought it would also be a great idea to do that in this case… As it turns out, it was quite a hassle to get it up and running the way I want […]
Tag: Cedar
Heroku Cedar Background Jobs for free!
I’m using Heroku mostly for playing around with latest technology and hosting free apps. Since Heroku “changed their pricing model”:http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/reading-invoice due to the introduction of “the new process model”:http://blog.nofail.de/2011/06/migrating-an-existing-app-to-heroku-celadon-cedar-stack/ some of my apps changed from free to paid, especially those that had some background jobs or nightly crons (I really did not get, why this […]