Using a DB is a natural thing for a Rails developer. Since Rails is a database driven application framework, that does not come as a big surprise. But there are times where environmental constraints do not allow the freedom to use the weapon of choice… Imagine a legacy Java SOA landscape that provides tons of […]
Tag: Rails
Simple DB caching for Heroku
Heroku is a great platform. I like the style of the page, I appreciate the documentation and you can start up for free! One thing that I miss a lot is decent caching. The readonly filesystem eats up a lot of flexibility. I played around with HTTP caching and Herokus Varnish works really well. The […]
Savon vs. Handsoap: Accessing a WSDL
This documentation is deprecated, please have a look at “”:! p. Both clients provide an interface to work with a WSDL. While the Handsoap WSDL support is hidden in some helper class, WSDLs are a first class citizen in Savon. The code for printing out the available SOAP actions looks like this: require “handsoap/parser” wsdl […]
Heroku with ruby-aaws
The first step of migrating my Rails app to Heroku included only a reduced feature set. I completely removed all parts dealing with the Amazon-API, because ruby-aaws could not be installed as a gem on Heroku. The ruby-aaws gem is build on Ruby >= 1.8.7 while Heroku is running 1.8.6 #fail. I asked Ian Macdonald, […]
Heroku with custom domain
I recently decided to switch my Rails hosting platform. I started Rails using a shared hosting solution from domainFACTORY. That solution did not quite fill my needs so i decided to give Heroku a try. Switching to Heroku is an easy taks, at least if you know what you’re doing… Using Heroku The heroku documentation […]