Tag: Rails

Webflow API bindings

In the beginning of this year, I’ve started into a new direction, exploring unknown territory. Exciting times are lying ahead and I already learned a lot in the past month: In march I joined forces with some amazing people and we founded a company called “Penseo”:https://www.penseo.de. Working in such an early phase of a startup […]

using domainFACTORY with heroku and SSL

I’m working on a small side project that requires proper SSL configuration. Since I like using “heroku”:http://nofail.de/category/heroku/ to bootstrap my projects, I thought it would also be a great idea to do that in this case… As it turns out, it was quite a hassle to get it up and running the way I want […]

structuring your RSpec project

it is an established convention to put all your rails tests or spec in the test/spec folder. “even jasmine javascript files”:https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-gem/pull/172 go in spec/javascripts… seriously, wtf? “cucumber features”:https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-rails on the other hand go in the features folder… so? while i don’t like cucumber (because of the additional complexity that comes with “gherkin”:https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin), i like the […]

monkey-patching Rails

I’ve been working a bit on a rails plugin for debugging html templates that we use at “Shopify”:http://www.shopify.com/ called “partially_useful”:https://github.com/phoet/partially_useful. It’s a very simple helper that adds HTML-comments to the rendered source, so that you can inspect it easily in your browser’s developer toolbar. The comment hints look like this: […] There are way more […]

Debugging Rails Applications in Development

I’ve been spending a lot of time answering questions on “Stack Overflow”:http://stackoverflow.com/ lately. From what I read, most of the questions come from unexperienced developers. It’s not easy to understand their questions because they often lack code examples, stack-traces or application logs. Because of that I keep repeating a lot of stuff in the comments […]