I just changed jobs and am now a Rails developer at “tolingo.com”:http://tolingo.com, which is an online translation broker. When I started out working on my new desk, I had to setup my iMac development environment. There are tons of articles of “how to compile/install/run stuff like MySQL”:http://hivelogic.com/articles/ruby-rails-leopard, to get you started on OS X, but […]
Tag: Ruby
Using the Redis addon on Heroku
I am always “playing around with new addons”:http://blog.nofail.de/2010/07/mongo-ruby-driver-mongoid-and-mongomapper/ offered by Heroku. My latest discovery was the “Redis addon”:http://addons.heroku.com/redistogo that is provided by “Redistogo”:http://redistogo.com/. The addon is probably in private beta (“docs”:http://docs-beta.heroku.com/redistogo are still on beta), but since they put up a link to it on their site, I managed to install it to my “personal […]
Mongo Ruby Driver, Mongoid and MongoMapper
=================================================================== =================================================================== Update Aug. 2010 On “Whyday”:http://whyday.org, I created a live demo of the examples, “that is running on Heroku”:http://mongodb-examples.heroku.com/. =================================================================== =================================================================== I am constantly looking around for different storage mechanisms on Heroku that can be used for caching 3rd party data. A recent update of their platform offered an MongoDB addon to access the […]
Ruby in Java, Java in Ruby, JRuby or Ruby Java Bridge?
Hosting (J)Rails applications on a high availability Java infrastructure with clusters, loadbalancers and all that shit stuff is great, if you already have it in place. But does running an app on the “JRE”:http://java.com/de/ make it a “JRuby”:http://jruby.org/ application by default? Do you really want to be stuck on JRuby? I really like the idea […]
noSQL – Rails models with SOAP
Using a DB is a natural thing for a Rails developer. Since Rails is a database driven application framework, that does not come as a big surprise. But there are times where environmental constraints do not allow the freedom to use the weapon of choice… Imagine a legacy Java SOA landscape that provides tons of […]