Bringing Usergroups on Ruby

I am one of the “organizers”: of the local “Ruby Usergroup in Hamburg”: for over two years now. We meet on a regular basis, every second wednesday each month. Some times we meet in a bar to grab some beers, some times we have full fledged community events with sponsors and high quality talks.

All this is currently managed using the “On Ruby”: plattform that was created to bring the events close to

the Ruby devs. It also eases the process of creating events, submitting talks, finding locations and publishing all that to Twitter, Google+ and Mailinglists.

Some month ago, the project was forked by “Cologne.rb”: and they built their custom version for the Ruby Usergroup in Cologne. After that some more Usergroups wanted to use the tool and that was the reason we merged the Cologne.rb codebase and created a whitelabel version of the application, which is customizable in many regards. It also comes with a “Mobile version”: for iPhone and Android.

If you are interested in joining “Hamburg”:, “Cologne”:, “Bremen”:, “Saarland”: and “Karlsruhe”: just “follow the guide for creating your own OnRuby Usergroup”:!