Category: Ruby

Savon vs. Handsoap: Accessing a WSDL

This documentation is deprecated, please have a look at “”:! p. Both clients provide an interface to work with a WSDL. While the Handsoap WSDL support is hidden in some helper class, WSDLs are a first class citizen in Savon. The code for printing out the available SOAP actions looks like this: require “handsoap/parser” wsdl […]

Savon vs. Handsoap: Authentication

This documentation is deprecated, please have a look at “”:! p. The libraries provide support for multiple authentication protocols. While Handsoap’s authentication support is more low level, Savon provides an API for that task. h2. WSSE authentication p. As you might expect, the Handsoap way for this aspect is to implement a callback method for […]

Savon vs. Handsoap: Errors

This documentation is deprecated, please have a look at “”:! p. Both client libraries provide the same default behavior for error handling; they raise distinct exceptions for SOAP and HTTP errors: * Handsoap::HttpError / Handsoap::Fault * Savon::HTTPError / Savon::SOAPFault p. And both clients offer a way to override that behavior. Savon lets you surpress errors […]