Category: Ruby

Distinguish Ruby Runtimes with WhichRuby

Nowadays there are several decent Ruby runtimes available besides MRI ranging from alpha-versions to production-ready status. Using RVM these different interpreters become more and more interchangeable. h2. current problems Since switching between runtimes became as easy _rvm use x_ more care has to be taken to support a wide range of interpreters and versions. This […]

Ruby in Java, Java in Ruby, JRuby or Ruby Java Bridge?

Hosting (J)Rails applications on a high availability Java infrastructure with clusters, loadbalancers and all that shit stuff is great, if you already have it in place. But does running an app on the “JRE”: make it a “JRuby”: application by default? Do you really want to be stuck on JRuby? I really like the idea […]

Migrating to Rails 3 for Heroku Bamboo

Recently there were some interesting “updates to the Heroku infrastructure”:, giving the opportunity to migrate “my personal Rails 2 website”: to “Rails 3 (beta)”: Having an app with only a single model “for caching data”:, there is no worry about database migration. A nice opportunity for starting out new: rvm use 1.9.1 gem install rails […]